Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Strength Under Siege

Hey there. So. Exactly two months ago was my last post. A sorry blogger I have become, but I'm determined to keep myself accountable to stay open and honest about where the Lord has me and what He's doing in my life.

Quick update. I have about $20,000 left to raise by August 10 (essentially) in order to depart for my STINT in Paris on time. The Lord is showing up and brining money in and I'm confident He will provide the rest.

2 Chronicles 32:22

In this passage the story unfolds that Sennacherib, (god bless you) the King of Assyria, attacks the gates of Jerusalem. He physically approaches the walls and comes with messages to deliver to their king. He tries to trick them into thinking that all of their trust in their God will be for nothing as his army is very strong, and their God is weak. Hezekiah is the king of Jerusalem and his wise advice to his men is to not respond to the words that Sennacherib is saying. So they stand there, taking his insults and blasphemy, and report every word of it to the king.

Hezekiah is distraught but responds by brining these attacks before the Lord. He lays out all of the things that his attacker said, and the Lord responds mightily. An angel of the Lord slaughters Sennacherib's army and returns home ashamed.

Recently I faced an attack that felt very similar to this one. Thankfully, the peace of the Lord descended quickly and it did not amount to much. But turning to this passage gave me hope, and joy that I am certainly on the right side of this spiritual battle.

Father, keep me close to your strength. Be responsive to my cries for help. You are majestic in the ways you save me from danger. Thank you for your relentless love.

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